Urban Heat Island and Rising Hate Crime—Bigotry Exacerbated or Independent of a Warming World?

Personal Investigation

Work in Progress (TBD)

A globally warming world has wide and far-reaching consequences for the present and the future—from rising sea-levels to worsening water crises, it’s considered the great equalizer, but I’d argue it’s also one of the greatest discriminators.

In criminal and psychology studies it’s widely known that hotter conditions increase aggression and that physical violations tend to skew towards summer seasons. Already, this has broad implications for a growing and urbanizing society, especially in diverse metropolitan cities that possess racial tensions among different groups, and depending on both historical and contemporary sociopolitical events.

The United States has a far below stellar record collecting and keeping accurate data on hate crimes, even as they’re rising as stated by local jurisdictions, anecdotal stories, and news reports—that indisputable fact is the galvanizer for this project. As the world warms and the heat becomes more intolerable, what does that mean for minorities—for the marginalized groups such as POC, queer communities, or the working class?


WIP: Salt Lake's TSA and Opportunity Zones—Developers and Real Estate Triumph from Exclusion